産地の環境や文化を尊重しながら、適正な価格を設定し、長期的に安定した取引を行うことで生産する人たちの自立を実現する、持続可能な貿易をフェアトレード(公正な貿易)といいます。 援助だけでなく、モノの取引を通じて、主に途上国の人たちを支援し、対等な関係を作り出していこうという試みです。

Fair Trade is based on the concept of sustainable trade that enables producer self-reliance through the establishment of fair prices, stable long-term trading, and respect for the regional environment and culture. Fair Trade seeks to create partnerships between producers and consumers that provide support for people in developing countries through trade rather than aid.
The “Sapporo FAIR TRADE FESTA” has been held every June since 2003 to improve awareness of fair trade. We also work with welfare facilities and people involved in post-earthquake recovery efforts.
Food prepared with Fair Trade ingredients, as well as products such as coffee, bags, and accessories from Nepal, the Philippines, Thailand, Kenya, and other countries will be on offer at the festival. You can enjoy fair trade products at our event while helping create a better world.